
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Little Crafty

We've been a little crafty, around here, as it's been such a wet, stormy (and very beautiful!) June. 

A hat for the new baby. The wool is actually a delicious mossy, licheny green. Perfect for a September baby.

We're taking suggestions for boys' names. Girl's names are covered for the next dozen or so daughters. But if we have another boy, Will and I will have to go on silent retreat, to secluded monasteries, on a remote mountain (mmmmm, that doesn't sound too bad!) to pray for a divine message. 

We can't even agree on a common genre. He likes names that are difficult to spell and pronounce and have a romantic history in Gaelic or Norse mythology.

I like names you could give a dog: Charlie, Hank, or Sam. 

You see our dilemma? All suggestions are welcome.

So far, friends and family have helped us out with: Oisin (pronounced "O-sheen") Kieren, Wolfric, Lavrans (from Kristin Lavransdatter—tempting!Grimbjorn (less tempting) Emmet

The boys like Henry, Thomas, and Picklehead (or Poopface, take your pick)

A Roman ship for Hugh. (Cut from a playmobile box....) Senatus Populus Que Romanum!

Unrelated, check out the lovely outdoor crafting by this beautiful blogging family. I can't read a word of Finnish (can you?) but scroll down to see hobby horses and a totally rad tent.

Sorry about my ridiculous, over-sized photos. There's nothing between large (too small) and extra-large (too big). I'll figure it out one of these days.


  1. Picklehead...Tempting! What about Lars?

  2. Surprise! Mary, Erin directed me to the flying squirrel blog and I couldn't resist suggesting Rheneas or Skarloey; they somehow fit with Thomas and Henry. Regarding girl names: we don't even choose girl names anymore. I think that we are fated to boys; thank God for Hannah.

  3. Elena! Hello, girl! You know, it never occurred to me that the boys were directly inspired by their favourite show.

    Lizzie, how much did Will pay you?

  4. Love your blog my gives me a little Mary fix now and then. My own blog is hopelessly neglected at present. We've been away and you certainly don't publish that fact! Now we're home and recovering from Jeremiah's flu and trying to unpack still. Ah, life.

    Lars is actually our yet-to-be-conceived babe's official name already, at least if Scott has his way, and we have another boy one day. He loves Scandanvian names.

  5. Victor, Theodore, Alrik. It does seem awesome girl names are more abundant than boy ones. If you have a girl and name her Hazel, I hope you don't mind having two Hazels in the same crowd. I love that name too! And Henry and Thomas.

  6. Hahaha—"I have a cunning plan...."
