
Monday, September 26, 2011

More Nesting

My neighbour laughed at me outright the other day, as I was spray painting lawn furniture—"Didn't you do this last time you were nine months pregnant?"

spray painting and renovating

Of course! 38 weeks gestation is the biological cue to start painting furniture. When I was expecting Hugh I painted it all white, with Matthias it was red (from reading Carl Larsson). This time it's all black and sophisticated.

Except for the things I'm painting white... (yes, that's an ironing board getting painted. I tell you, people: it's bonkers)

Not to mention the clorox. Where does this instinct to bleach everything come from? I don't even believe in using bleach!

Just a few more walls, baby, and then you can come.

Soon baby! Soon my love!

This is the first year Will and I have been able to "put by" a little harvest. Just blanching and freezing so far. The tomato sauce gets eaten as fast as I can make it.


  1. Oh my Mary! You are nesting in a big way. You are inspiring me to get some work done around here too (maybe if I was pregnant...). I keep wanting to call, and then thinking, "Oh, she's probably resting!" Obviously not! I have similar bowls of tomatoes sitting on my counters all over the place. I need to make some more sauce today too! Blessings to you Mama. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. wow, that's some hardcore painting. I can't wait to see your new baby. Have you thought of Keiran, Casimir, or Conor? :)

    Love Lizzie

  3. Erin—that's just it. My non-pregnant state is to sit on the couch with a cup of tea and nurse the baby and knit.

    Lizzie—Those names rock. How much is Will paying you?
